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My name is Matthew Henshaw, and I want to offer you an innovative solution to stress in your workplace. In today’s volatile work environment, employees experience more stress than ever before. Even in stable or growing businesses, employees still have to struggle with stress on the job, which lowers morale, reduces productivity and contributes to employees feeling frustrated and miserable .

Top 10 reasons why happiness at work is the ultimate productivity booster:

Statistics on stress:

Through CMS, I offer an alternative to traditional means of increasing overall employee productivity. In just one 30 minute session a week, I will guide a small group of employees through some basic meditation exercises which will have benefits throughout the work week. Among the benefits are:

  • increases in enhanced creativity and productivity,
  • increased concentration,
  • improved composure and confidence

A small investment in CMS will see big rewards in your workforce’s happiness and ultimately, loyalty.

My 10 years of research and personal practice of meditation has convinced me just how powerful it can be. During a successful career as a Senior Auditor for a National Accounting firm I credited my meditation practices with the creativity, concentration, and composure that made me a key contributor to the success of numerous challenging projects.

100 Benefits of Meditation:

If this solution sounds intriguing to you and your company, please contact me and we can discuss in more detail the sessions and how to get started! The meditation practices I am offering are geared towards a professional audience and involve no special skills outside of a willingness to open your mind for 30 minutes! This is a new venture, and I am optimistic and hopeful about it’s prospects!

For more information, please send an e-mail to: with CMS in the subject heading!